Ahora es capaz de

revertir la edad celular


Ahora es capaz de

revertir la edad celular

Si tú o un ser querido está luchando con algún padecimiento Crónico Degenerativo como:

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Hipertensión arterial

  • Obesidad

  • Enfermedad renal crónica

  • Enfermedades cardiovasculares

  • Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC)

  • Cáncer

  • Artritis reumatoide

  • Depresión

  • Demencia

  • Enfermedad de Parkinson

  • Esclerosis múltiple

  • Esquizofrenia

  • Trastornos del espectro autista (TEA)

  • Enfermedades neuromusculares,

  • Etc.

¡Continúa leyendo porque recibirás información de mucho valor!

Déjame hacerte 3 preguntas...

¿Qué pasaría si hubiera un avance tecnológico y natural que te permitiera recuperar tu salud de años anteriores?

¿Qué pasaría si este avance tecnológico pudiera incluso revertir la edad celular?

¿Qué pasaría si este avance tecnológico estuviera respaldado por una investigación científica impecable realizada por investigadores líderes?

Estás a punto de descubrir

Un nuevo avance científico que no solo ayuda a prevenir enfermedades crónico degenerativas sino incluso a revertirlas...

100 dollar bill

Déjame explicarlo...

Anteriormente los científicos creían que nuestro ADN nos definía completamente, pero estudios recientes han descubierto lo que hemos observado durante generaciones.

Si tomas a dos gemelos idénticos (que tienen el mismo ADN) y cada uno tiene hábitos de salud distintos.

Estos gemelos dejan de parecerse, uno puede engordar y el otro no, uno se enferma y el otro no.

Pero... Si su ADN sigue siendo idéntico ¿porqué son tan distintos?

La respuesta es "El Epigenoma"

El Epigenoma es otra capa de información que controla la expresión genética (prende o apaga los genes). Cuando los científicos descubrieron esta capa de información adicional surgió la EPIGENÉTICA" que es la encargada de estudiar la expresión de nuestros genes.

La Epigenética y la edad celular

Después de 17 años de investigación e incontables estudios clínicos, un renombrado científico ha descubierto una fórmula que realiza cambios en lo más profundo de nuestras células, en el Epigenoma.

Finalmente... ¡Las personas pueden disfrutar de una edad celular equivalente a 20 años y esto se refleja en el funcionamiento óptimo de los órganos!

Este novedoso producto por primera vez contiene una tecnología pionera única en el mundo. Por primera vez se cuenta con un suplemento natural con efecto EPIGENÉTICO.

También convierte a cada una de tus células en una fábrica de antioxidantes


Nrf2 es una proteína que todos tenemos en cada una de nuestras células.

Esta proteína es la responsable de “echar a andar” o “encender” la fábrica de antioxidantes de cada célula.

Sí... Leíste bien, este es un dato que no se ha dado a conocer mucho por obvias razones…

Cada célula en su juventud tiene la capacidad de producir 3 super-antioxidantes y estos se llaman “Antioxidantes Primarios”.

Los Antioxidantes primarios son producidos en cantidades industriales dentro de cada célula cuando eres joven

*Please Note: Cart has closed for April. The next challenge will not start until June 17th.

The Next Challenge Starts In

For The First time EVER, Our New "One Funnel Away 2.0" Will Be LIVE Starting Monday January 11th! Be sure To Signup For this NEW, LIVE Experience With Russell !!!

One Funnel Away…

The 30 Day Challenge

How Would You Like To Have Russell Brunson, And Two Of His “Two Comma Club” Coaches Help You Customize And EXECUTE Your First (Or Next) Funnel?

One Funnel Away…

The 30 Day Challenge

How Would You Like To Have Russell Brunson, And Two Of His “Two Comma Club” Coaches Help You Customize And EXECUTE Your First (Or Next) Funnel?

30 Days. 3 Coaches. 


(With Daily Training, LIVE Coaching and Accountability, From Day 1 to Day 30)

Julie Stoian

Russell Brunson

Unlike other banks - we care about your business, not your balance.

Stephen Larsen

Pero a partir de los 23 años estas fábricas empiezan a frenar su producción.

NRF2 Es capaz de regular los GENES que fabrican estos poderosos antioxidantes en grandes cantidades.

Eso no es todo, estos antioxidantes son producidos por sólo 3 genes dentro de tus células, y NRF2 optimiza la expresión de más de 3000 Genes. ¡Imagina el resto de beneficios que todos tus órganos recibirán al “resetear la edad” de tus células en lo más profundo de tu Código Genético!

Entonces, cuando tomas GNM-X tu cuerpo recibe una oleada de beneficios, antioxidantes y nutrientes que se ha demostrado que combaten y reparan el daño causado a las células de todo el cuerpo.

Esto significa que cuando tomas GNM-X, todos tus órganos, arterias y corazón obtienen la reparación y protección que los antioxidantes por si mismos simplemente no pueden ofrecer

¿Qué evidencia científica hay sobre Nrf2?

Casi 21,000 estudios científicos publicados

en La Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos.

Here’s What You’ll Get FREE When You Join The ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge Today:

Bonus #1:

The “30 Days” 550 Page Hardcover Book

Recently, I asked 30 of my ‘Two Comma Club’ members (those who have generated over $1 Million+ inside their ClickFunnels funnel) a very loaded question...

“You suddenly lose EVERYTHING…

You lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.

You have bills piled high, and people harassing you for money over the phone. 

Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only one month.

You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you're an unknown newbie.

What would you do?

(from Day 1 to Day 30) if you knew you only had ONE FUNNEL To make back your millions?” 

Each of them replied to my email with a brilliant detailed 30-day plan of what they’d do to get back on TOP.

They broke it down day-by-day… 

“Day 1, I’d do this…  
Day 2, I’d do this… Day 3, I’d do this…”  

Each of them laid out a complete 30 day battle plan to get their business back on track...starting back at “square one” with:
  •  No Product…
  •  No List…
  •  No Traffic...Running Errands... 
  •  No Reputation...
  •  And No Funnel...
The “30 Days” book is a GIANT 550 page hardcover book of ALL their compiled battleplans (Day 1 through Day 30).

30 chapters… 

30 action plans…

You can actually flip through the pages day-by-day, and SEE the “big picture” of their ONE FUNNEL plan laid out right in front of you! 

You can HOLD it in your hands…

You can page through, and reference it as you try out new business ideas...

You can highlight key ‘a-ha’ moments’ as you read, and make notes in the margins... 

But Here’s The Really Cool Part…

Once you start reading through each chapter, you’ll discover the same patterns over and over and over again. 

That’s NOT a coincidence.

Each chapter of the “30 Days” book includes a different and unique action plan.

There’s 30 Day plans for:

  •  Ecommerce…
  •  High-Ticket Coaching…
  •  Service Providers... 
  •  Webinar...
  •  Social Media...
  •  LIVE events…
  •  Affiliate marketing…
  •  Virtual summits…
  •  Free challenges…
  •  Product launches…
...and that’s just a handful of the chapters...there’s MANY more!)

And yet, 

...They ALL Follow A Very Similar Pattern!

The moment you realize that, all you have to do is adopt the same “pattern” (the pattern that led each expert to generate 7-Figures or more…), and then sprinkle in your unique differences to make it your own.

You can model the processes that led them to success. 

They share it with you, in detail.

They are opening up, and giving you their full 30-Day step-by-step plan, no holding back!

***You’ll also get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the digital version of the 30 Days book the moment you join the One Funnel Away Challenge!

If you don’t get your physical copy of the 30 Days book by the time the Challenge starts, don’t worry! The 30 Days book is not a component of (or required for) the One Funnel Away Challenge.

What’s The Difference Between The 30 Days Book, and the One Funnel Away Challenge?

Every one of the 30 battle plans inside this book is INCREDIBLE, and well planned out…

...and, proven to work by the people who submitted the plan. 

But when people started reading this book, they asked me, 

“Russell...where’s your chapter? What’s YOUR 30-day plan?”

The One Funnel Away Challenge IS My 30-Day Battle Plan For You.

If you’re starting from scratch (or starting again), with no name, no reputation, no list, no money, no traffic, and no product…

The One Funnel Away Challenge is what I would do, from Day 1 to Day 30, if I lost everything, and had to create ONE FUNNEL to get back on track!  

Bonus #2:

A Physical Spiral Bound Copy Of The One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook

Each day of the One Funnel Away Challenge, you’ll be given tasks that you’ll need to complete in order to get your funnel built and LIVE.

The Challenge Workbook acts as your companion to the video training's (Day 1 through Day 30).

Inside your workbook, you’ll find pages that correspond with EACH day of the Challenge.

Each work-page in the workbook has:

  • A CHECKLIST of tasks or reminders that need to be completed that day
  • Plenty of space for journaling and brainstorming your ideas, and answering key thought-provoking questions
  • The video training links that correspond with each day’s mission
  • And, any extra resource links you’ll need to complete the day’s tasks
You can expect each day to have a work-page that looks something like this…

Consider this your physical guide that spells out everything you need to do each day, so you have it all in ONE organized area, and can stay on track!

**Don’t worry if you don’t receive your workbook in time for Day One of the Challenge... (Some of you might be joining the Challenge right before we kick things off…)

You’ll ALSO get the digital version of the Challenge Workbook once the Challenge begins, so you’ll have all the materials you need from Day One!  

Bonus #3:

MP3 Player With The Live Recordings Of The FIRST One Funnel Away Challenge

You can listen to the One Funnel Away Challenge recordings on your MP3 player wherever you go!  

You can listen to these trainings when you’re:

At The Gym…

Picking Your Kids Up From School…

Running Errands...


No matter where you’re at, or what you’re doing, these audio recordings make it EASY to multi-task, and get more done in a day...

The MP3 Player includes:

  • Audio recordings of ALL of Russell’s daily trainings (Day 1 through Day 30), and
  • Stephen’s recordings from his LIVE coaching calls throughout the first Challenge
All the training is pre-organized for you on your MP3 player inside 5 folders...
Folder 1 - You Must Believe (Pre-Challenge Week)

Folder 2 - Create Your Offer (Week 1)

Folder 3 - Shape Your Story (Week 2)

Folder 4 - Build Your Funnel (Week 3)

Folder 5 - Fill Your Funnel (Week 4)

Altogether, you’ll get 51 recordings, and

 Over 40 Hours Of Training!

  • At The Gym…
  • Picking Your Kids Up From School…
  • Running Errands... 
  •  Travelling…

We Also Want To REWARD You With Two Additional Huge Bonuses

When You Accept The ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge Today!

Huge Bonus #1:

Lifetime UNLIMITED Access To The “30 Days Interview Series”

In the writing of the 30 Days book, I immediately saw how much marketing GOLD was in each chapter…

So I decided to ask each “Two Comma Club” award winner who submitted a chapter for a giant favor…

I asked each of them,

“Would You Be Willing To Do An Interview, Where You Talk About (And Walk Us Through) Your 30 Day Plan In DETAIL?”

At first, I think a few of them thought I was a little crazy…

But then one said “YES!” And then another stepped up…

And then another! 

Soon after, EVERYONE OF THEM Agreed To Come On A Video Interview And PERSONALLY Guide You Through Each Day In Their 30 Day Blueprint!!!

We compiled ALL 30 interviews into a virtual summit that lasted 3 days, called the “30 Days Interview Series”.  

 You’ll get UNLIMITED lifetime access to the archives of all 3 days of the “30 Days” interviews!

You can listen to each session whenever you want, as many times as you want!

The UNLIMITED access allows you to pick an interview that resonates with you, listen to it over and over, and GO IMPLEMENT the key pieces into your business.

Once you’ve applied the business-building and scaling tips from one interview, you can rinse and repeat with all the others!

It’s NOT about trying to consume and apply all of the action plans all at once…

(That’s a recipe for overwhelm, and doing nothing...right?)

It IS about finding a KEY nugget in an interview…
Pressing The PAUSE Button…
And APPLYING It Immediately In Your Business!

That’s why we want to give you LIFETIME unlimited access to all the interviews!

Whether it is one month from now…

6 months from now…

Or years down the road…

...you can ALWAYS come back to these archives and watch (and re-watch) any interview, any time you want!

Huge Bonus #2:

“Behind-The-Scenes” PRIVATE Interviews of 30 Two Comma Club Funnels

There’s an unspoken RULE among most online marketers as they begin to reach major success:

You Don’t Talk About Your Funnel…

(...and you certainly don’t SHOW it, and give all your secrets and details away!)
Think about it…

How many TOP successful marketers are quick to plaster their income out there for you to see? (They just love to put that part out there...right?)

And they’ll show you things on a very “surface level” - (A.K.A. the FRONT end of their funnel)

And some will even share with you the vague 3-5 “steps” they took to get there...right?

But what about the deep, BEHIND-THE-SCENES inner-workings of their funnel and business?

What about Page 2 of their funnel?

And Page 3?

And Page 4?

What exactly are they doing in the rest of their business that’s bringing them so much success?

That remains a heavily guarded secret...

That’s why this BONUS is so rare and valuable… We Went Back To Each Of The Speakers From The 30 Days Interview Series, And Asked Them To Show You Their ‘Two Comma Club’ Funnel…

...the exact funnel that generated them over $1 Million

(and for some, tens of millions!)

Get An Insider’s Look At Their MILLION-Dollar Funnels...

You’ll actually SEE their entire funnel laid out in detail...

...every page, start-to-finish!

You’ll see exactly how they capture their LEADS…

Turn their page visitors into BUYERS…

Increase their SALES conversion... 

Increase their CART value…

Expand their REACH...

...and so on! They’ll leave nothing out!

Can You See Why Inside Access Like This Has NEVER Happened Before?

And can you imagine what you can do with this detailed information?


Every speaker from the ‘30 Days’ interviews will show you exactly WHAT they did that took their funnel from ZERO to ‘Two Comma’ success…and WHY they’re doing it! 

Para más información y COMPRAS mándame WHATSAPP

+52 614 235-0537

Para más información y COMPRAS mándame WHATSAPP

+52 614 235-0537